National Sculpture Society (NSS)
Feb 26, 2024
National Sculpture Society (NSS) and the Fantasy Fountain Fund, Inc. (FFF), are pleased to announce the opening of the 2024 Young Sculptors Exhibition at the NSS Gallery. The show features 23 figurative works by 16 contemporary sculptors — age 30 or younger — and is on view February 26 – May 3, 2024 at the midtown gallery.
2024 Young Sculptors Exhibition (NSS)
The biennial exhibition is an exploration and celebration of work by the next generation of figurative sculptors. The artists included in the show are from all parts of the United States and their individual interests and points of view are expressed in the subject matter and styles on display. The NSS and FFF began the tradition of showcasing the work of up-and-coming sculptors in 2022 to encourage and promote today’s emerging artists. Highlights of the show include a man dismally celebrating his quarantined birthday; a bronze head that balloons into blown glass; a colorfully patinated dragon; a giant metallic frog ready to spring; and figures, busts, and bas-reliefs that underscore the talent of this promising group of artists.
Sculptors in the show are Austen Brantley, Mariah Morton Cisneros, Sofe Cote, Soufien Daouairi, Samuel Davis, Varvàra Fern, Sonja Fuenzalida, Chia Hsuan Kuo, Kien Le, Amber Lelli, Felipe Lopez, Giovanni Priante, Michela Roman, Elijah Smith, Maia Williamson and Joseph Zovickian.
The Jury of Selection for the 2024 Young Sculptors Exhibition included Roger Martin, FNSS; Angela Mia, FNSS; and Brittany Ryan, NSS. The jury selected works based on skill, competence, and success in composition and message.
Young sculptor Varvàra Fern, who also happens to be a newly elected member of NSS, describes her work as a way of expressing emotions. “My sculptures reflect life experiences and an irresistible desire to delve into ideas, resulting in independent series. Emotions are paramount; I convey not just thrilling subjects but also my feelings, inviting viewers to see through my eyes. Using oil-based clay, a language since childhood, I shape ideas and experiment with resin, plaster, and bronze casting. This medium, a conduit for expressions, seamlessly translates intricate emotions into timeless forms, forging a deep connection between my perspective and the viewer.”
Chia Hsuan Kuo’s sculpture Saad Baldawi was inspired by a his true-life friendship with an Iraqi asylum seeker. “Saad Baldawi was a co-worker of mine when I studied at The Art Students League and worked part-time as a porter in the maintenance department. Even though he spoke very little English, he would share with me happy stories of Iraq, only his stories were always about wars and battles. I was surprised someone who had been through so many wars could have such positive energy. Once I asked him what happened to his missing index finger on his right hand, he stood up and mimed the act of a bomb landing and exploding near him. He then smiled at me, but never said anything more about it.”
A Jury of Awards will meet after the exhibition is installed and give three Fantasy Fountain Fund monetary grants of $1,000 each to three deserving artists. In addition, each artist in the show will receive one-year Associate membership in NSS.
Grants for the 2024 Young Artists Exhibition are made possible with the generous support of The Fantasy Fountain Fund, Inc.